NAAIP Articles

AFN Open Letter To The United Nations

AFN Open Letter To The United Nations

Wachiya! Greetings! Bonjour! [Short traditional greeting in Cree] Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues May 13 2002, New York City, New York I am honoured to have the opportunity to address this historic occasion, the first meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum...
Wichita North Redskins

Wichita North Redskins

“Remarks by Clem Ironwing, Sioux, during a public Mascot/Identity Committee hearing.” – November 11, 1996 In the spring of 1996 Wichita Unified School District 259, Wichita Kansas, formed a Committee on Desegregation. This committee made a unanimous...
One Indian Boys Life Is Turned Around

One Indian Boys Life Is Turned Around

Guest Column by Devery Fairbanks In the spring of 1982 I was fresh out of New Visions Treatment Center and staying at the American Indian Services (AIS) Men’s Halfway House in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was my first time in treatment and I must say it helped...
Why Won’t You Just Die?

Why Won’t You Just Die?

Guest column by Deron Marquez These words seem to be on the minds of many folk. As Tribal Nations establish their rightful positions, many seek to quash their endeavors. I often write and speak about the infamous “them”. This “them” is a...
The Spirit of Our People

The Spirit of Our People

“Subsistence &Federal Recognition of Tribes” Guest column by Evon Peter, Gwich’in As Alaska Native peoples we are again at a critical point in time. The decisions we make and the actions we take will forever impact the spirit of our people and...
Message of Thanks from the LPDC

Message of Thanks from the LPDC

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Dear Friends and Supporters: In recent years the case of Leonard Peltier has received increasing worldwide attention. This is largely due to the teamwork and cohesive efforts of the LPDC and their network of strong supporters. For...
How Effective Was Navajo Code?

How Effective Was Navajo Code?

“One Former Captive Knows” By Tim Korte, Sanostee, New Mexico By the close of World War II, Army Sgt. Joe Kieyoomia shared something with the secret words employed by the Navajo Code Talkers: both were like granite against Japanese efforts to break them....
Annual Florida Pow Wows

Annual Florida Pow Wows

**JANUARY January Annual Indian River Native American Festival Silver Sands Arena, 625 Tomoka Farms Road (C. R.#415) New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 Contact: 904-424-0860 (Vendors by invitation.) **FEBRUARY February Annual Native American Inter-Tribal “Arts...
To my many friends in Indian Country

To my many friends in Indian Country

By John Herrington, USN Commander, NASA Astronaut, Flight Engineer Now that the mission of STS-113 has come to a conclusion, I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone who flew with me in spirit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour. I am humbled by the number of...
History AIM #1 – Indictment AIM

History AIM #1 – Indictment AIM

The following is from a tribunal held against Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt. By the American Indian Movement. “I would like people to read Russell Means’s book “Where White Men Fear to Tread.” He explains Vernon’s behavior. Vernon and Clyde...
UNHRC Big Mountain Statement to the World

UNHRC Big Mountain Statement to the World

By Roberta Blackgoat & Kee Watchman Item 15: Indigenous Issues United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Fifty-eighth Session Written intervention by the Big Mountain Sovereign Communities & from the Big Mountain Resistance Movement: Thank you Mr. Chairman,...
Happy New Year From Uncle Jake

Happy New Year From Uncle Jake

Note From Uncle Jake Davies Author of Views From The Hogan Ya’a’tee, Konnichiwa, hello I hope all is well with you and yours, and that the new year brings much more of what you wish for. I apologize for the paucity of my communications this last year,...
Spirituality of Many Tribes Diluted

Spirituality of Many Tribes Diluted

“Lakota spirituality is the one thing that must not be stolen.” Notes From Indian Country, By Tim Giago (Nanwica Kciji) It seems to me that the spirituality (religion) of so many Indian tribes has become diluted by overexposure and by flagrant abuse by...
Psuedo Shamans Cherokee Statement

Psuedo Shamans Cherokee Statement

By Richard L. Allen, EdD Research & Policy Analyst Cherokee Nation Greetings: The Cherokee Nation is overwhelmed with those charlatans who fraudulently claim to be shaman, spiritual leaders or descendents of a Cherokee princess. Such individuals make such claims...