United States Government Sued For Wrongful Human Radiological Experiments Source: Business Wire The law firms of Chamberlain, Neaton & Johnson and Baker, Donelson, Bearman & Caldwell announced today that they have filed a class action suit in the U.S. District...
U.S. Department of the Interior News NAIIP News ~ Friday, September, 1, 2000 FLAGSTAFF, Arizona – Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt today announced an agreement which will end a long controversy and result in the closing of the White Vulcan mine, located...
Under Attack By National Park Service – A Human Rights Tragedy From the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe, Native Rights Alliance The following article appeared in the October 22, 1996, issue of The Christian Science Monitor. If you are interested in further information...
Of June 26th, 1998, Washington D.C. From the LPDC Leonard Peltier Defense Committee The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee met with Leonard Peltier Support Groups on June 26th in Washington DC to strategize for Leonard’s release. We met for several hours in a...
“Treatment of Native American And Funeral Objects In The United States” Marie Samuel, Vice President Yachay Wasi – NGO/DPI, NYC – Cuzco, Peru (Member of the NGO Committee on the UN International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.)...
Tappan, NY (ICC) – The following statement was produced during the opening of the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations on December 10. These statements were agreed to by Indigenous leaders from all parts of the world...
Written by David Simmons National Indian Child Welfare Association, Staff Member The Congress began with renewed attacks on the ICWA from House of Representatives members Deborah Pryce (OH-R) and Todd Tiahrt (KS-R). Both introduced stand alone bills, H.R. 3156 and...
(Organized February 3rd, 1950) Cherokee * Chickasaw * Choctaw * Muscogee Creek * Seminole “NAGPRA Policy Statement” Of July 10, 1998 This policy statement has been agreed upon by the following tribes of the Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized...
From: Bobby Castillo American Indian Movement aimca@igc.apc.org American Indian Movement Autonomous Confederation GENEVA, SWITZERLAND OCTOBER 24, 1996 ON THE OCCASION OF THE MEETING OF THE UNITED NATIONS OPEN-ENDED INTERSESSIONAL WORKING GROUP CONSIDERING THE DRAFT...
Chippewa Spearing/Netting Season (Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota) The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday issued an April 9 federal injunction until June on most Chippewa spear fishing and netting in the 1837 treaty-ceded territory of east-central Minnesota. The...
TUCSON – At dawn there is the scent of coffee and pinto beans, the sound of Spanish language television and the dampness of the swamp cooler in the Sonoran Desert heat. Outside, a relative sleeps in the cool beneath the trees. When Jose Matus, Yaqui ceremonial...
Letter to the Editor, 7/27/95: I attended a beautiful Indian spiritual ceremony performed by Asa Primeaux and held in my honor at the Sacred Serpent Mound in Adam County, Ohio, July 17, 1995. The inspiring gathering was attended by both Indians and non-indians. It was...
Delivered and Submitted 11/23/93 “CRY OF THE EARTH” General Assembly, United Nations, New York September 1962 Re-submitted 11/23/93 by the Grandson of Monongye, Manuel Hoyungowa, Messenger from Sovereign Hopi Nation and Prophecy Message of Monongye,...
As women of the Mohawk Nation and as progenitors of future generations of the Haudenosaunee, it is our duty and responsibility to ensure that the lands are secured for future generations. As our women dance the Women’s Dance, we are constantly reminded of our...
“September, 1995 Summary of Legal Victory!” Administrative Law Court Hearing, Appeal of Peabody’s Kayenta mine permit renewal. Dineh Alliance vs. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) & statutory party Peabody Western Coal...
WHY IS THE “CRAZY HORSE MALT LIQUOR” CASE IMPORTANT FOR INDIAN TRIBES AROUND THE COUNTRY? On November 17, 1997, in the federal courthouse in St. Paul, Minnesota, attorneys for the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court, the Estate of Tasunke Witko [Crazy Horse] and...
Supporting Camp Justice’s Stand Signed On October 19, 1999 NOV-04-99 THU 12:55 PM OST PRESIDENTS OFFICE FAX NO 33 P.03 wkd. RESOLUTION NO.WB-99-03 RESOLUTION OF THE WOUNDED KNEE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE (An Unincorporated Tribe) RESOLUTION OF...
R. P. Gough, Attorney for the Estate Administrator of the Estate of Tasunke Witko, a.k.a. Crazy Horse, Mr. Seth H. Big Crow, Sr., was very pleased with the recommendation of Administrative Law Judge Allen E. Giles to the Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety for the...
Text of decision on jurisdiction in malt liquor case. The following is by and from, Bob Gough, Stu Kaler and Jonny BearCub Stiffarm, Attorneys for the Estate of Tasunke Witko. Email: Rpwgough@aol.com There have been numerous requests for the posting of the Rosebud...
(Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota) April 1997 Witness trainings are being held for the upcoming Chippewa spearing/ netting season around Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota. Witnesses have been requested to help out by the Lac du Flambeau and Mille Lacs Bands. A January federal...
WASHINGTON, Aug 31 (IPS) – Backers of the two gold mining companies implicated in Guyana’s biggest environmental disaster were also associated with the two biggest cyanide-related gold mining disasters in this country, an IPS investigation has discovered....
WASHINGTON, Aug 30 (IPS) – Cyanide and related waste metals — such as those which spilled into the Essequibo River in Guyana earlier this month — have major long-term environmental and health impacts on local people, fish and livestock, according to...
ITS PAST AND FUTURE ROLE IN EXECUTIVE BRANCH & CONGRESSIONAL POLICY-MAKING (A THREE-PART PAPER) National Indian Policy Center The George Washington University 2021 K Street, NW, Suite 211 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-973-7667 November 1993 FOREWORD The National...
Destruction of traditional lands and sacred sites throughout the U.S. continues as a result of the Salvage Logging Rider. Your calls are needed today to urge repeal of the Rider. From Jim Jontz and Steve Holmer September 27, 1996 GORE SAYS: SALVAGE LOGGING LAW IS...
According to the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations, US President Bill Clinton has just “interfered in Mexican internal affairs” by demanding an exhaustive investigation into the massacre which recently occurred in Chenalhó, in the Mexican state of...
“Building Economic Self-Determination In Indian Communities” THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release August 6, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE BUILDING ECONOMIC SELF-DETERMINATION IN INDIAN COMMUNITIES...
“Relocation is a word that does not exist in the Navajo language. To be relocated is to disappear and never be seen again.” – Pauline Whitesinger, Relocation Resister For the past fiver years, relief caravans have been organized in Boulder, CO. to...
THE PROPHESIES OF TURTLE ISLAND UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK Held on November 22, 1993 INTRODUCTION Sponsored by: Mission of Mexico, Mission of the United States, United Nations Centre for Human Rights Endorsed by: American Indian Institute American Indian Ritual Object...
We are all united by a common concern and a common aspiration: How to save our Earth; How to build again the Ancient Bridge of Harmony within the Human Race and within the Environment; How to ensure the Respect for Human Dignity and Fundamental Human Rights. (We have...
Published Tuesday, January 25, 2000 Newspaper of the Hopi Tribe Vol.X No.2 Executive Branch Chairman Wayne Taylor ~ Vice-Chairman Phillip Quotshytewa The Chairman is from the Sun Clan of Shungpovi and the Vice-Chairman is from the Bear Clan of Kykotsmovi. Elected by...
by Charmaine White Face Wednesday October 2, 1997 There are a great many good people in South Dakota who truly want to begin healing the wounds of the past between the tribes and the white people. Efforts are always being made to have discussions on racism, or to...