Cherokee News Path
Two-thirds of Cherokees fought with the Union against the Confederacy during the Civil War.
— Source: Cherokee Nation History Department
Principal Chief Chadwick “Corntassel” Smith
Principal Deputy Chief Joe Grayson, Jr.
Cherokee Elections – Election Commission
Citizen Status Changes – Know the Truth
Myths and Facts regarding Cherokee Citizenship
Cherokee Nation Press Kit ~ Citizen Status Changes
Cherokee At Large Voters League
The Cherokee At Large Voters League invites all Cherokee Nation citizens who live outside of the Cherokee Nation to join us at our site.
For those in the area, the Cherokee Nation Radio Show is back!
The program airs on KEOK 101.7 FM / KTLQ-1350 AM, Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Tune in to hear Cherokee artists, storytellers, and other cultural and historical facts about our great Nation!
The Cherokee Heritage Calendar
Contact Susan Thomas Underwood
Underwood Studios ~ O-SI-Yo Truthart
Delaware, OK ~ Toll free: 877-249-2301
Native Women’s Cooperative Project, OK
The NWCP works with Cherokee artisans in fourteen counties in Oklahoma.
AICCO Asks You to “Support Our Troops”
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of OK The AICCO urges you to support the brave service men and women who have committed their lives in service to our country.

Wilma Mankiller Lawsuit – Cherokee Councilors Vote
By Donna Hales, Staff Writer Muskogee Daily Phoenix Cherokee councilors voted Thursday night in an Executive and Finance Committee meeting to dismiss a civil lawsuit against former Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Wilma Mankiller. The suit involved about $300,000 in...
National Living Treasure Nominations
Sought by Cherokee National Holiday Committee Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma, News TAHLEQUAH, OK – The Cherokee National Holiday committee is seeking nominations for the fifteenth annual National Living Treasures awards. The awards will be presented during the 50th...