North American Indian & Indigenous People
“The battle for Indian children will be won in the classroom, not on the streets or on horses. The students of today are our warriors of tomorrow.” –Wilma P. Mankiller
NC Public Schools: DLS Classroom Resources Documentaries
Cherokee: The Principle People A Must See!
(The History and Culture of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation) Hosted by Wes Studi
Nations Within “The Conflict of Native American Sovereignty”
broadcast, always available on NPR’s Justice Talking site!
American Indian Heritage Month ~ Web Special Reports
“U.S. Department of Defense ~ Defense Link”

View from the Hogan VIV ~ January 2000
Ya’a’tee First off, I apologize for the length of time since I last wrote, I had a dose of pneumonia, things have been real busy, and quite frankly I choose not to spend too much time staring at a computer screen. So Thanksgiving came and went, and a good...
View From The Hogan Reminder – Statemnet To the United States Congress
Ya’a’tee It will be a little while till I can get the next VFH out to you,…. Unfortunately I’ve had a damaged leg that has put me behind schedule, so in the meantime Roberta has asked me to send the following statement to you all. It is a from...
AFN Open Letter To The United Nations
Wachiya! Greetings! Bonjour! [Short traditional greeting in Cree] Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues May 13 2002, New York City, New York I am honoured to have the opportunity to address this historic occasion, the first meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum...
Monestersky Loses Appeal In the Hopi Appellate Court
On June 27, 2002, the Hopi Appellate Court affirmed the decision of the Hopi Tribal Court in Monestersky v. Hopi, thereby upholding the Order of Exclusion issued by the Chairman of the Hopi Tribe against Monestersky. Monestersky was permanently excluded from the Hopi...
Violation Against Sacred Ceremony
Statement from Chief Arvol Looking Horse: I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nation would like to offer a statement concerning the violation against the Sacred Sundance Ceremony at Big Mountain, Arizona. The Sacred White Buffalo Calf Bundle...
Begaye On Bulldozing of Sundance Site
Statement by the President of the Navajo Nation, Kelsey A. Begaye, on the bulldozing of HPL Sundance Ceremony site by the Hopi Tribe. Window Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona) – The Hopi governmentĂs decision to bulldoze the Sundance ceremony site at Big Mountain is...
The View From The Hogan #XB
Ya’a’tee I’ve had difficulty getting the time to send out the latest VFH, so I add this addendum. The following is a statement made by Roberta Blackgoat just a few days ago. She would appreciate it if her words were distributed. Uncle Jake RELIGION...
President Kelsey Begaye Pledges To Trample the Rights of Hopi People
According to a September 6, 2001 statement issued by Navajo President Kelsey Begaye, he pledged to the Navajo trespassers on the HPL at an August 25 meeting that he will do everything in his power to support their lawless behavior, trample the rights of Hopi people,...
Wichita North Redskins
“Remarks by Clem Ironwing, Sioux, during a public Mascot/Identity Committee hearing.” – November 11, 1996 In the spring of 1996 Wichita Unified School District 259, Wichita Kansas, formed a Committee on Desegregation. This committee made a unanimous...
Internet ‘spirituality’ Web Site Scrutinized
“Elders attack ‘keystone’ web site solicitations.” By Karen L. Testerman, Today staff Article originally published by Indian Country Today in March of 1999. NAIIP News Path ~ Friday, March 5, 1999 “Brookie Craig/Schiavi and Joe Chasing...
Lakota Declare War Against “Shamans” & “Plastics”
Lakota Declare War Against "Shamans" & "Plastics"
One Indian Boys Life Is Turned Around
Guest Column by Devery Fairbanks In the spring of 1982 I was fresh out of New Visions Treatment Center and staying at the American Indian Services (AIS) Men’s Halfway House in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was my first time in treatment and I must say it helped...
Food for Thought – Arresting the Grandmothers
Asquali, Ngungu’lawu Tutsqwa I’qatsi, Friends of the Hopi Traditional Peoples and Touch the Earth Foundation Thank you for being our friends! We have been very busy with the responsibilities that we have been entrusted with. However, I wish to take this...
Big Mountain Sundance 2001 Scene of Sexual Misconduct
BIG MOUNTAIN, AZ – A 13 year old boy participating in the Sundance held at Big Mountain was reportedly the victim of sexual assault at the hands of one of the dance participants. According to the boy, he and his brother and a medicine man went to sleep in a...
Why Won’t You Just Die?
Guest column by Deron Marquez These words seem to be on the minds of many folk. As Tribal Nations establish their rightful positions, many seek to quash their endeavors. I often write and speak about the infamous “them”. This “them” is a...
“Cry Of The Earth” General Assembly, United Nations, New York
Prophecy Message Delivered and Submitted 11/22/93 at the “Cry Of The Earth” General Assembly, United Nations, New York Submitted by Martin Gashweseoma Hopi Caretaker of the Sovereign Hopi Nation For The Great Spirit, Massau’u We come here from the...
Native Americans should be “thrilled”
“To be used as mascots…” Editorial from the People’s Voice The following was written in answer to the Greeley Tribunes question; Should Eaton High School change its team mascot because of concerns expressed by American Indians? To all human...
Big Mountain Under Siege
From the Southeastern foothills of Big Mountain – We wish to say our words to our Indigenous brothers and sisters and other concerned people. By now you have heard the news that we were recently under military siege (armed Hopi Rangers, armed Navajo police,...
The Spirit of Our People
“Subsistence &Federal Recognition of Tribes” Guest column by Evon Peter, Gwich’in As Alaska Native peoples we are again at a critical point in time. The decisions we make and the actions we take will forever impact the spirit of our people and...
Dismissal of Charges Disappoints Hopi’s
Over seven months after their arrest at Camp Anna Mae on the HPL, charges of trespass were dismissed against Joella Ashkie, Ruth Benally, Louise Benally, Elvira Horseherder and Pauline Whitesinger. The five Navajo women were arrested on July 11, 2001 and charged with...
Hopi Stuff “Tree of Life” Into Chipper
“Hopi Tribal staff stuffed the Tree of Life into a woodchipper and haul the other remains away in trailers” Camp Ana Mae, the well-known site of Sun Dances , home to Louise Benally and her children at the foot of Big Mountain, Arizona has been bulldozed by...
ENOUGH! What happened to us at Big Mtn
ENOUGH! Statement by Leonard Benally in response to desecration of sacred Sundance Grounds site. To all the people Indigenous and non-indigenous people, On August 17th at 5:00 a.m. this was a disgrace, humiliating, and disregarded our right to pray which is supposed...
The View From The Hogan XIV – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee, Something a little different this time round. I’m off on my vacation, and I thought I’d try to take you along with me. I spend every day walking over the land, so, for my vacation I plan to……. walk across the land. With a...
Big Mountain August 17th Raid Camp Anna Mae Disassembled
At three o’clock on the afternoon of August 17th I spoke with the office of Hopi Tribal Chairman, Eugene Kaye. It was confirmed that: 1. Bulldozers and Chainsaws have destroyed all buildings/Sundance arbor at Camp Anna Mae. The office also says that “No...
Desecration of Sacred Sundance Ground
BIG MOUNTAIN, AZ – Today (8-17-01) at approximately 5:00 a.m., the Office of Hopi Lands, Hopi Range Management, Resource Enforcement Services, Hopi Tribal Police, Navajo County Sheriff, and BIA impoundment trailers entered Camp Ana Mae, a sacred religious area...
Witnesses Observe Dismantlement of Site
Big Mountain, AZ – Yesterday, Friday, August 17, 2001, at approximately 5:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time, the Office of Hopi Lands, Hopi Range Management, Resource Enforcement Services, Hopi Tribal Police, Navajo County Sheriff, and U.S. Department of the...
Hopi Tribe Asserts Jurisdiction Of HPL – Camp Anna Mae Dismantled
Early in the morning on August 17, Hopi Tribal staff were already hard at work. In a definitive act of asserting Hopi jurisdiction over its land, the Hopi Tribe dismantled the site referred to as “Camp Anna Mae”, where a recent Sundance as well as other...
Message of Thanks from the LPDC
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Dear Friends and Supporters: In recent years the case of Leonard Peltier has received increasing worldwide attention. This is largely due to the teamwork and cohesive efforts of the LPDC and their network of strong supporters. For...
View From The Hogan XVIII – Notes and comments on Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee I have occasionally received criticisms that these writings of mine are too lengthy. Without wishing to go into a critique of “sound-bite” culture, or a discussion of the difference between being informed and being well informed, I...
The View From The Hogan X – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee Judging by the amount of visitors we are getting here recently, its my guess that a lot of you are focussing on the Altar right now, so I wanted to get something out quickly, so please excuse me if this issue is a bit scattered. Communications...
The View From The Hogan XIII – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee Once again, things have been real busy here, and I’ve had a hard time getting this out, so please excuse if some of the “news” is a little out of date. It was gratifying to hear of the demonstrations and public outreach on behalf...
Annual Florida Pow Wows
**JANUARY January Annual Indian River Native American Festival Silver Sands Arena, 625 Tomoka Farms Road (C. R.#415) New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 Contact: 904-424-0860 (Vendors by invitation.) **FEBRUARY February Annual Native American Inter-Tribal “Arts...
The View From The Hogan XI – The sound little eagles make
Ya’a’tee Things are starting to quiet down round here now, so I have had the chance to read the local papers from the past month or so, and am somewhat disturbed by some of the propaganda being churned out by the Hopi Tribal Council. Most of it is simply...
Navajo Resisters Jeopardize Own Water Supplies
A May 10, 2001 letter circulated on the Internet from Caroline Tohannie, a Navajo residing on the HPL in the Tonalea area, to Marsha Monestersky requested her help in restoring the Tohannie’s only water source, a local windmill. Tohannie alleged that the Hopi...
How Effective Was Navajo Code?
“One Former Captive Knows” By Tim Korte, Sanostee, New Mexico By the close of World War II, Army Sgt. Joe Kieyoomia shared something with the secret words employed by the Navajo Code Talkers: both were like granite against Japanese efforts to break them....
View From The Hogan – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee As usual, I am behind schedule getting the next VFH out to you, so in the meantime I thought I would pass on some more words from the resistors. The first is a letter sent to the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs in 1991. Many of the...
Working Group on Indigenous Populations 19th Session, 23 to 27 July 2001
Statement by Kee Watchman, Cactus Valley/Red Willow Springs Sovereign Community, Big Mountain, Arizona Item 5: Review of recent developments: General Statements, including on land issues, education, health Thank you Madam Chair, all distinguished leaders and all my...
Lakota Declaration of War
Lakota Declaration of War
Violation Against Sacred Ceremony – Statement by Chief Arvol Looking Horse
I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nation would like to offer a statement concerning the violation against the Sacred Sundance Ceremony at Big Mountain, Arizona. The Sacred White Buffalo Calf Bundle that I care for consists of the Seven...
To my many friends in Indian Country
By John Herrington, USN Commander, NASA Astronaut, Flight Engineer Now that the mission of STS-113 has come to a conclusion, I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone who flew with me in spirit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour. I am humbled by the number of...
The View From The Hogan XVI – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee First off, regarding the article A TRUST BROKEN, A HERITAGE BETRAYED: Battle for Native American Rights, which I urged you to read. Last time I checked, the magazine still hadn’t put it on their website, but the editor...
Response to the Sundance Incident In the name of Traditional Hopi Elders
Message from the Traditional Hopi Elders: Asquali, In the name of the Traditional Hopi Elders that have gone before -Thank you for hearing me. Dear friends and relations, After reading the report on the “Sun Dance” and the Hopi Tribal Council I feel again...
Photos from Sacred Sundance at Big Mountain
Interference and Arbor after dismantling. By order of the Hopi Tribal Council. Photos by Morning Star Gali, Flagstaff, AZ. Photographs of arbor after Hopi destruction. Photos by Danielle...
Sacred Sundance Ceremony – Used for Political Motives
Once again groups of Navajo resisters living illegally on Hopi Partitioned Lands (HPL) and their friends are flouting the laws of the Hopi Tribe – this time under the guise of participating in a religious ceremony. More than 100 individuals have set up camp on...
The View From The Hogan XII – Notes from Big Mountain
I have an alarm clock. Its called the Peabody Mine Plane. Most days it flies by a little before sunrise, so if I am still in bed when I hear it I know I’m running late. Its not a little 2-seater, but large enough to have cargo doors in the rear. A couple of...
Current Trouble on Hopi Land Stems from lack of respect for an entire nation, by handful of Navajo.
No single issue has consumed more valuable time and irreplaceable resources than the century old dispute between the Navajo and Hopi over Hopi ancestral land. In spite of the turmoil, the Hopi have been steadfast in their belief that peace between our two people can...
Arlene Hamilton’s Exclusion – By the Hopi Tribal Council
A note to the reader: I am going on the Internet for the first time with a direct statement to the global public for ONE REASON: To communicate with all my relatives who know and love Big Mountain and all that the Dine & Hopi Traditionals stand for – the...
Begaye Met With Big Mountain Families
On Saturday, August 25, 2001, along with Navajo Nation Council Speaker Edward T. Begaye and other Navajo officials, I visited the Navajo families at Big Mountain to discuss with them the destruction of the Sundance ceremonial ground by the Hopi government. As you...
For All Those Who Were Indian in a Former Life
For All Those Who Were Indian in a Former Life
Destruction of the Sundance Tree
I want to communicate with you on behalf of myself and the Sundancers who exercise their beliefs here in Big Mountain. I want to tell you what is happening to us in the millennium years. By now you must have heard about the desecration and destruction of the Sundance...
History AIM #1 – Indictment AIM
The following is from a tribunal held against Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt. By the American Indian Movement. “I would like people to read Russell Means’s book “Where White Men Fear to Tread.” He explains Vernon’s behavior. Vernon and Clyde...
Cherokee Heritage Center Is Rich In Culture
Cherokee Heritage Center ~ Tahlequah, Oklahoma In 1838, approximately 16,000 Cherokee people were driven from their homes and forced to move west into Indian Territory. This tragic exodus became known as the Trail of Tears. For many of those weary travelers,...
Open Letter To Navajo Sundancers At Big Mt.
Written by Sal “White Horse” Serbin My name is Sal White Horse, I am a registered member of the Sioux Nation (also called Lakota). I am a Traditionalist, I believe in following and preserving Traditional Ways. For many years now I have been active in...
Livestock Permitting On HPL – Is Good Land Stewardship
A good deal of the propaganda spread by Navajo resisters living on Hopi land bemoans alleged harassment by BIA and Hopi police who impound the resisters’ livestock. They would have the public believe that livestock confiscation is part of a greater conspiracy...
Big Mountain Press Conference Called To Address the Destruction of Sacred Sundance Site at Big Mountain, Arizona
Due to the crisis resulting from the destruction of a sacred sundance site, Camp Anna Mae at Big Mountain, Arizona, and continuing threats being made against the civil and religious rights of the people involved in those spiritual ceremonies, a panel of civil,...
UNHRC Big Mountain Statement to the World
By Roberta Blackgoat & Kee Watchman Item 15: Indigenous Issues United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Fifty-eighth Session Written intervention by the Big Mountain Sovereign Communities & from the Big Mountain Resistance Movement: Thank you Mr. Chairman,...
The View From The Hogan XV – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee I know its late in september, but here is the news from august. So, the persecution of Kee Shay continues. Some background……. Kee Shay is an elderly Dineh man. He and his family have spent their lives raising a small flock of sheep,...
Happy New Year From Uncle Jake
Note From Uncle Jake Davies Author of Views From The Hogan Ya’a’tee, Konnichiwa, hello I hope all is well with you and yours, and that the new year brings much more of what you wish for. I apologize for the paucity of my communications this last year,...
Big Mountain Sun Dance 2001 Report
“This tree is a prophecy. That’s what the Hopi rangers don’t understand. This tree is the fulfillment of a prophecy. This is the end of the 4th world in Hopi prophecy. The name of the 5th world is the World of Glittering Trees.” — Joseph...
View From The Hogan XVIII Supplements – Notes from Big Mountain
Ya’a’tee Its been a while since I have sent anything out, and there is a lot to tell you, so I am splitting this VFH into 2 more-manageable sections. This first part consists of recent statements from Dineh and Hopi resistors. These people are...
Psuedo Shamans Cherokee Statement
By Richard L. Allen, EdD Research & Policy Analyst Cherokee Nation Greetings: The Cherokee Nation is overwhelmed with those charlatans who fraudulently claim to be shaman, spiritual leaders or descendents of a Cherokee princess. Such individuals make such claims...
Spirituality of Many Tribes Diluted
“Lakota spirituality is the one thing that must not be stolen.” Notes From Indian Country, By Tim Giago (Nanwica Kciji) It seems to me that the spirituality (religion) of so many Indian tribes has become diluted by overexposure and by flagrant abuse by...