Cherokee Cultural Tidbits Index
Source: CNO Cultural Resource Center
Courtesy Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma
Cherokee Culture Facts
~ By Wendell Cochran of Tahlequah, OK ~
Mr. Wendell Cochran is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. In 1989, the Tribe and the Cherokee National Historical Society awarded Mr. Cochran the title of “Master Craftsman and National Living Treasurer” in the Area of Traditional Cherokee Clothing.

Cherokee Tear Dress Facts
The Official Women’s Dress Of The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma
Ancient Cherokee Marriage Tradition
Cherokee Culture Notes Edited and Revised: August 27, 2000 Fact Sheet Author Unknown Edited by: Wendell Cochran, Tahlequah, OK Ancient Cherokee Marriage Tradition When a young man wished to marry a Cherokee woman, he consulted her parents, whose consent was necessary....
Cherokee Method for Tanning Hides
Cherokee Culture Notes Edited and Revised: August 27, 2000 Fact Sheet Author Unknown Edited by: Wendell Cochran, Tahlequah, OK Cherokee Method for Tanning Hides Mose Owl described this method. Step 1. Make a lye solution by putting one gallon of hickory ashes in a...
Woven Fabrics and Basketry
Cherokee Culture Notes Edited and Revised: August 27, 2000 Fact Sheet Author Unknown Edited by: Wendell Cochran, Tahlequah, OK Woven Fabrics and Basketry Very few examples of pre-history Cherokee textiles and weaving have survived due to the hot damp climate of the...
Cherokee Domestic Crafts – Pottery
Cherokee Culture Notes Edited and Revised: August 27, 2000 Fact Sheet Author Unknown Edited by: Wendell Cochran, Tahlequah, OK Domestic Crafts ~ Pottery Mooney, ca. 1888, and Harrington, ca. 1908, described the Cherokee method for making clay pottery. The following...
Cherokee Clothing and Adornment
Cherokee Culture Notes Edited and Revised: August 27, 2000 Fact Sheet Author Unknown Edited by: Wendell Cochran, Tahlequah, OK Cherokee Clothing and Adornment The earliest description of southeastern Indian costumes might apply to the Cherokee was written by Adair (p....