Welcome to the People’s Paths Website!

Native American & Indigenous People

“We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be!” –Cherokee Feast of Days

Michael, wado for this honor!

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Thank You for stopping by, it is sincerely hoped that you find some useful information and enjoy your visit!

November is National American Indian AND Alaska Native Heritage Month.

Americans stand united –

Prayers for those who have given their lives fighting for freedom. Prayers and sincerest condolences to the families of these brave heros, who will never be forgotten! God speed to those who continue to sacrafice, and thank you!!!
— Nancy Thomas, Keeper of “the People’s Paths!”

“Aniyosgi Dotsigusdaa. ~ Unelanvhi Wigadoligi Ama Ayetli.”
We support our warriors! ~ God Bless America!

The People’s Paths


This Internet site was created in the hope that all people, no matter what their own culture, may be able to find a bit of information that might be helpful in the understanding of American Indian Culture and other Native Cultures from all over our Mother which is called Earth!

Native People’s Cultures are as diverse as nature, but with good reason! Nature is our teacher and guide for walking the path of life! The Native Cultures teach that it is the human species responsibility to take care of our Mother! Only appreciation is asked, for what she gives us, in return for her care!

Progress is a wonderful thing! If we can keep some of the beliefs from the First People’s Cultures, that are alive and well, incorporated with the technology that leads to progress, it may help all peoples to live in a more harmonious world not only with Nature but with each other as well!

It is time to Celebrate and Appreciate the Diversity in the Human Species as we do in Nature! The rose is beautiful, but how long would its beauty be appreciated if it was the only species of flower we had to enjoy! It does not matter what name the Creator goes by or if you believe in one, many or none at all! The experience of a storm, rainbow, or just the sun rising and setting tells us there is a much Greater Power that speaks to all cultures and this Power that we call Nature survives because of diversity!

Latest Posts

Cherokee Word List P

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Cherokee Word List W

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View from the Hogan VIV ~ January 2000

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Ancient Cherokee Marriage Tradition

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Cherokee Word List A

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